4 Pole (1500rpm) Single Phase Motors

4 Pole (1500rpm) Single Phase Motors

You have selected single phase motors and 4 Pole (1500 rpm), please follow the wizard with a selection below that will help direct you to the right product.

Please select the power for 4 Pole (1500rpm) Single Phase Motors Required

If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on 01274 288777, or simply fill in the  Get a Call Back  and we will call you back within 1 hour.

0.09kW to 3.0kW

0.09kW to 3.0kW

4.0kW to 15.0kW

4.0kW to 15.0kW

18.5kW - 75.0kW

18.5kW - 75.0kW

90kW - 315kW+

90kW - 315kW+